The book the outsiders setting time

The rest of the novel takes place from the following tuesday until ponyboy starts writing, some time during that semester. Get an answer for describe the setting of the outsiders. The time period of the story is the same as the actual time it was written. Ponyboy, and his older brothers darry and soapop live there.

There, they immerse themselves in nature and spend time reflecting on the colors of the fields and the soft shadings of the horizon. Get an answer for in the book the outsiders, how do the setting, order of events, point of view, and characters other than ponyboy affect the plot. This quiz and corresponding worksheet will check how much you know about the setting of the book the outsiders. In the book the outsiders, how do the setting, order of.

Slang is a casual type of language that is playful and trendy or used. The outsiders can be termed a comingofage novel because of the many topics that the story deals with. Sparknotes is here for you weve got everything you need to ace or teach. Forty years later this 2007 essay discusses the novels 40th anniversary, and why we still love it after all those years. It is about a gang of teenage boys who are called the greasers. Ponyboy explains that the greasers rule the poorer east side of town, while the socs run the wealthier west side of town. The setting affects the plot in the outsiders a lot.

The setting describes the surroundings of the story, including the time and place. The outsiders definitely takes place in the 1960s, sometime after 1964we can infer this from references to pop culture icons like the beatles and to the ford mustang, which was produced in 1964. Hintons the outsiders, many of the specifics of the setting are implied rather than directly stated. Hinton never explicitly tells the reader when and where the. Stephen king on the outsider and where he gets his story ideas duration. Cherry spurns dallys rude advances, but ponyboy ends up speaking civilly with cherry, emotionally connecting with a soc for the first time in his life. The novel is most likely set in the mid1960s, the time period during which it was written, although, again, hinton makes few explicit references to external historical. Slang is defined as very informal usage of language. Get an answer for what would you say the tonemood of the outsiders is. First of all, the separation between the greasers and socs have to do with the fact that the greasers live on. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, but did most of the work when she was sixteen and a junior in high school. The characters in the story live on the east side of town, which is also known as the wrong side of town.

While not specific the setting was that it takes place in the mid to late 1950s in oklahoma. Quiz topics include what you call the time and place surrounding the events of a. While hinton never specifies a physical setting for the book, we might guess that it takes place in her hometown of tulsa, oklahoma, or a generic cowboy town. The outsiders is set in a large, unnamed town in the united states. Hinton never explicitly tells the reader when and where the story takes place. Setting in the outsiders can be fun, dangerous, disturbing, scary, and even heartwrenching. Main ideas setting the action of the outsiders takes place in tulsa, oklahoma in the 1960s. Well hit a few of them here, and leave the rest for you and your outstanding papers. Cigarette smoking, like many serious issues, is treated in the novel as part of everyday life.

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